Funded by the NC Land and Water Fund ($400,000) with matching funds provided by the Division of Water Resources ($400,000), the Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative ($460,500) and the Grove Park HOA ($100,000).
The purpose of this project is to restore 6,000 linear feet of stream on the sediment-impaired unnamed tributaries to Little Lick Creek in the Falls Lake and Neuse River Basins. This stretch of stream is entirely owned by the Grove Park Homeowner’s Association in Durham. The project will create a natural, stable system with excellent aquatic habitat and reduce the sediment loading to the sediment impaired 303(d) listed Little Lick Creek and Falls Lake. The newly vegetated riparian buffers will be protected in perpetuity through a conservation easement.
![Little Lick Creek Before Restoration](/images/Grove%20Park%20Pic.jpg)