Funded through an Environmental Enhancement Grant from the NC Department of Justice: $270,000
The Town of Siler City is actively working to revitalize their downtown district and develop a new economic base. The town is aware that an important piece of this revitalization effort is improving the environmental health of their natural resources, which will improve the health of their whole community. This project is planned to be part of larger implementation project broken into several phases involving land purchase, rehabilitation of the creek and floodplain, and potential creation of a green space/park. The Town Manager states: “The Town recognizes the importance of clean water in our community and believes restoring riparian habitats is essential to improving water quality.
The EEG proposal addresses Phase 1 of the Stream and Floodplain Rehabilitation project. The initial phase will include land acquisition of up to 6 acres; restoration of stream and floodplain functions, including invasive removal, bio-engineering along streambanks, erosion reduction and reduced stormwater pollution; and creation of an area for an environmental learning park and/or floodplain trail.
As of November 2018, PCC purchased 3.46 acres on western side of tributary. Project partners are working with Unique Places Realty to acquire additional properties. PCC will work with Kris Bass Engineering to design a floodplain restoration project. Once the properties have been purchased and the restoration activities conducted the property(ies) will be turned over to the town for incorporation into a recreational use.