Funded through a Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant ($257,000) with match from the NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation for Hurricane Matthew Disaster Relief Funds ($100,000)
This project aims to restore 1,450 linear feet on the sediment impaired tributary to Smith Creek in the Neuse River Basin. Smith Creek tributary drains a portion of northeast Wake County in a growing suburban section of this urban county. Channelization and straightening of the stream, as well as continual mowing of stream banks, uncontrolled stormwater, a breached pond dam and downstream lower base level elevations have resulted in a deeply incised streambed with eroding vertical banks. The purpose of this project is to:
- Convert 1,450 linear feet of Smith Creek tributary to a natural, stable system with excellent aquatic habitat.
- Reduce sediment loading to a sediment impaired 303(d) listed Smith Creek.
- Establish vegetated riparian buffers along the tributary, which will be protected in perpetuity through a permanent conservation easement.
Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. have been hired to conduct both the design and construction of the project. Survey work has been completed.