Caswell County Farmland Protection Plan


Funded by the North Carolina Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund ($15,000.00) with matching funds provided by Caswell County Farm Bureau ($2,500.00) in-kind support provided by Caswell County Government ($5,000.00).

Total Project Budget: ($22,500.00)

The Caswell County Farmland Protection Plan is intended to coordinate future efforts to sustain local agriculture in Caswell County by building on the county’s rich natural resources, strong farming tradition, and proximity to urban areas. The Plan recognizes many threats to the sustainability of local agriculture (development pressure, decreased farm profitability, an aging farmer population, and more) and makes recommendations to mitigate those threats and identifies opportunities for the future of the local agricultural economy.  

The Caswell County Farmland Protection Plan was adopted by the Caswell County Board of Commissioners on June 17, 2013 and received final approval by the state on June 30, 2013. 

The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services provided the primary funding toward the development of the Caswell County Farmland Protection Plan through their ADFP Trust Fund Cycle IV (FY 2011-2012) Grant Program. The Caswell County Farm Bureau generously provided matching funds and Caswell County Government provided in-kind staff time toward the completion of the Plan. Please see page 4 of the document for further acknowledgements.

**Read the full final version by clicking here. **

Image of the front page of the Caswell County Farmland Protection Plan.