Funded by the NC Dpt. of Environmental Quality through a Nonpoint Source Pollution Control grant ($150,000); $100,000 match from Siler City and Chatham County
In partnership with Biocenosis, LLC, NC State and the Town of Siler City, PCC was awarded a grant from the NC Department of Environmental Quality through the Nonpoint Source Pollution Control funding as awarded to the state from the Environmental Protection Agency. Starting in March 2016, the project team implemented best management practices (BMPs) along a tributary to the Loves Creek with work and monitoring completed by June 2018. The target tributary drains to Love’s Creek which flows into the Rocky River and onto the Cape Fear River.
The Loves Creek Watershed is impaired for Habitat Degradation. The implemented stormwater BMPs reduced peak stormwater flows, Total Phosphorus (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN), and improved and maintained aquatic habitat. The two stormwater wetlands areas were constructed by Wright Contracting between October 2017 and December 2017. The two stormwater wetlands created are 0.12 acres in size and are designed to capture and treat stormwater collected via pipes that previously had outlets directly into the Loves Creek tributary. A combined total of 244 feet of pipe was disconnected from direct discharge into the waterway, now they flow into the wetlands. Approximately 5,500 native plants were planted with community volunteers contributing over 134 hours between November 2017 and April 2018. Through the Chatham County SWCD CCAP contract, the Town of Siler City established a 1,040-foot long, average 15-foot wide riparian buffer along the un-named tributary of Loves Creek as it flows through Boling Lane Park