Funded through a Clean Water Management Trust Fund greant ($450,000) with match from the Division of Water Resources ($200,000) and the Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative ($110,000)
This project aims to restore 3,045 linear feet on the sediment impaired Panther Creek, a direct tributary to Falls Lake and within the Neuse River Basin. The creek has a deeply incised stream bed with eroding vertical banks and a torturous meander pattern. Moreover, future urban development in this vulnerable stream’s watershed, threatens to worsen a sediment pollution problem in Falls Lake. Falls Lake is listed on the State’s Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of impaired waters. The purpose of this project is to:
- Convert 3,045 linear feet of Panther Creek from an eroding, degraded channel to a natural, stable system with excellent aquatic habitat.
- Reduce sediment loading to a sediment impaired 303(d) listed Falls Lake.
- Establish vegetated riparian buffers along Panther Creek Corridor, which will be protected in perpetuity through a permanent conservation easement.
Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. have been hired to conduct both the design and construction of the project. Construction is currently underway and expected to be completed in Fall 2019.
Durham County Soil and Water Conservation District has received an additional $200,000 from the Division of Water Resources to complete this project.