**Funds Provided By: **
NCDA&CS Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund ($14,000)
**Person County **
Person County Soil & Water Conservation District
Person County Cattlemen’s Association
Person County Farm Bureau
Person County became the newest member of PCC in September 2013. Immediately, PCC went to work to develop funds to create a countywide Farmland Protection Plan at the request of the county management. The Person County Board of Commissioners approved a cash match and in-kind contribution for development of the Farmland Protection Plan on November 18, 2013. By December 2013, the Person County Soil & Water Conservation District and Person County Cattlemen’s Association had also approved cash contributions for the project.
PCC applied for a $14,000 grant from the NCAD&CS ADFP Trust Fund in December 2013 and was awarded that grant in July 2014. In October 2014 the Person County Farm Bureau was approached for a contribution to fulfill the project budget and also approved a cash match.
PCC worked with Person County Soil & Water Conservation District to create an Advisory Committee and kicked off the effort to develop this plan in October 2014. The plan is scheduled to be complete by June of 2016 and will be presented to the Person County Board of Commissioners for adoption before it is submitted to the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services for approval.
A countywide Farmland Protection Plan serves to protect, preserve, and enhance the agriculture industry and farmland. The plan also provides decision makers with a roadmap to develop and preserve the agriculture industry, integrate farming and non-farming communities through education and outreach, identify opportunities to create agriculturally related jobs, and improve wages and farm income. These plans identify existing agriculture in the county, prioritize agricultural lands important for open space protection and economic viability, and identify opportunities to enhance agricultural networks.
For more information about the importance of Farmland Protection Plans please consider the following resources: